# Panel Royale Privacy Policy (Last Updated June 20, 2024) ## 1. Introduction If you are here, you have reached this document by accessing our application “Panel Royale” (the “Game”), available on one of several online or offline services (collectively, the “Services”) such as PanelRoyale.com, CrazyGames.com or Steam. ## 2. Information We Collect When you interact with our Services, we may collect and store information from you directly as described below: ### 2.1 Registration Information When you access our Game, this will create an “Anonymous” or “Unregistered” game user “Account” which is used to track your personal player statistics and leaderboard standings. It is possible to “Register” or “Sign Up” by further providing a username, password, and email address to create a Registered or “Non-Anonymous” Account with an associated user name and email address. ### 2.2 Technical and Usage Information When you access our Game, we or our third party service providers may collect (i) certain technical information about your device or computer system, including IP Address, your general location (Country, City), and the version of your operating system; and (ii) usage statistics about your interactions with the Game. ## 3. Cookies and Automated Information Collection When you access our Game, we collect certain technical information in order to (i) analyze the usage of our Game and (ii) provide a more personalized experience. We and service providers acting on our behalf may use Log Files and tracking technologies to collect and analyze certain types of technical information, including Cookies. “Log Files” means certain information about how a person uses the Game, including both Registered and Unregistered users. Log Files may include information such as a User’s Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser types, the amount of time spent playing, and the date and time of activity on the Game, and other similar information. In some cases, we will associate this information with your user account for our internal use. Please note that companies delivering advertisements in the Game or on Services providing access to the Game may also use cookies or other technologies, and those practices are subject to their own policies. Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on your prior visits to panelroyale.com or other websites. Google's use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads based on your visit to panelroyale.com and/or other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of personalized advertising by visiting Google's [Ads Settings](https://www.google.com/settings/ads). ## 4. How We Use the Information We Collect In general, we collect, store and use your information to provide you with a customized experience. For example, we may use information collected from you in any one or more of the following ways: - to create Accounts and allow play of the Game; - to provide technical support and respond to user inquiries; - to prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate hacking/cheating; - to provide in-Game leaderboards, items, and matchmaking, and to promote in-Game player achievements. We use your personal information to pursue our legitimate interests where your rights and freedoms do not outweigh these interests. We have implemented controls to balance our interests with your rights. This includes: - to track user retention and aggregated gameplay information to improve the overall user experience; - to solicit input and feedback to improve the Game and customize your user experience; - to use general location information to provide you with location based services (such as automatically selecting an optimal matchmaking region with regards to connection quality or ping); If you have provided your email address to us to create a Registered Account, (or via a customer support request), we may use it to respond to customer support inquiries and for account recovery when requested. We will not use it to send promotional email messages or provide it to any third parties. ## 5. Sharing of Your Information We do not actively share the personal information we collect directly and for our own purposes with third party advertisers for their direct marketing purposes unless you give us your consent. We may share (i) aggregated information (information about you and other users collectively, but not specifically identifiable to you); (ii) anonymous information; and (iii) certain technical information (including IP Addresses and general location) to develop and deliver targeted advertising for our Game on the websites of third parties. We may also allow advertisers to collect these types of information within the Game and they may share it with us. Advertisers may collect this information through the use of tracking technologies like browser cookies and web beacons. We may disclose aggregated and anonymous information to describe the Game to prospective partners, advertisers, and other third parties, and for other lawful purposes. We may use aggregate, non-personally identifiable information for our own internal promotion or marketing purposes and we may share such aggregate non-personally identifiable information with others for marketing purposes. In certain instances, you may need to opt in or opt out of advertising directly through your browser or computer, or via the advertising partner directly. ## 6. Security of Your Information It is important that you protect and maintain the security of your Account and that you immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your Account. While we take certain precautions against possible security breaches of our Services, no website or Internet transmission is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will never occur. Although we strive to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data while it is being transmitted through the Game or Services; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we have procedures and security features in place to try to prevent unauthorized access. ## 7. Changes to Our Privacy Policy If we decide to make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will update the “Last Updated Date” above to indicate when those changes will become effective. We may supplement this process by placing notices in the Game or Services providing access to the Game. ## 8. Contact Us If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the Game, please send an email to: 90percentstudios@gmail.com